Saturday, 28 February 2009

Aide-memoire - or synopsis III

I am still struggling to finish my synopsis!!! It is down to ~900 words now but TFQ opinion is that there isn't enough conflict in it, though I think I have managed to cover the most important areas of the plot! - God it's so hard to miss out characters completely!!!!
Anyway to try and help the situation and give my brain a breather and a different take on it, I made a 'trailer' which I thought I would share with you. I rather like it - and if Mr Purefoy is available for the real thing my phone number is ......... :-)


E Challinor said...

You know I love this video - it was such an inspired thing to do.

Gracie said...

I am glad you have posted the video I can watch it when ever I want now lol.

Hope it doesn't become to big a distraction!!!!

Jules Frusher said...

Great video Su! One of the pics looked like last year's Battle of Tewkesbury and I also saw a couple of shots of the fabulous knights and ladies of Destrier!

Su_H said...

Thank you.
10 out of 10 Lady D it is Tewkesbury and Destrier. The other battle is Bosworth 2007.
Tewkesbury and Bosworth are always a pilgrimage :-)

Su_H said...

Actually Bosworth 2006 - 2007 was a washout! :-)

Jules Frusher said...

I'm nearly always at Tewkesbury, so next time you go we'll have to meet up for a coffee!

Su_H said...

A good idea Lady D - if its not pouring down you will even get to see me in 15th century garb (the rain plays havoc with the silk!). :-)

Ros said...

Love the video and the synopsis gives a real sense of intrigue...